Incorporation of GES
We started as a global equipment services company serving the semiconductor front end equipment industry, leveraging on the young and bright engineering resources in Vietnam. The company was built on the concept of offering low cost, high value and premium quality engineering and field services.
We subsequently expanded our business into equipment design, manufacturing and global field service supporting smart consumer electronics and semiconductor industries until being acquired by Kimball Electronics on 1 Oct 2018.
Building on that foundation we have grown to include design and manufacturing of custom tools and software solutions solving some of the most challenging automation, test and measurement problems. We have expanded our global presence through acquisitions and launching green field locations and have added to our package of value by supporting the development our people. Our customers have grown to rely on us as a key strategic partner and we have leveraged their references as a significant part of our growth story.
Field services for semiconductor capital equipment were added.
Incorporated a wholly owned subsidiary in Vietnam.
Incorporated a wholly owned subsidiary in Japan.
Produced and shipped the first machines from GES Vietnam.
Acquired Wins Infotek Pvt Ltd., a company based in Kerala, India providing software engineering services to semiconductor, solar and flat panel display industries.
Established volume Build to Print (BTP) for smart consumer electronics test and measurement equipment.
Established optics design engineering capabilities.
Incorporated a wholly owned subsidiary in China.
Established volume manufacturing (Mass production ) of automation and test equipment.
GES was acquired by Kimball Electronics.
Expanded machine learning and artificial intelligence
Established new clean room for manufacturing